Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Procrastination irritation

B nnfvcdfv bh n bg vfr hjubhnjmmgt mt jnb frg gf fvr dccd cvfgf d scfghghjmb vcdecfvbggvb gfr fn decfrghg ghyjkl,k,imjnhbg d gb fvgghygbhbhgfdf fgd cf fdv tgvm kmbhgvb gv fv hbyvb u7u7ygvffg bhy xtfcgv b hv mza<

This is how frustrated and irritated I am over not being able to just do what I should be doing and not procrastinate. I did several headdesks on my keyboard - I just want to lie down on my keyboard and sleep, and then magically, when I wake up, everything will be done. Now wouldn't that be nice...

I guess I just haven't found the key to get myself working properly without all the distractions and procrastination. I find my mind beginning to wander - and my mouse sort of automatically glides towards and clicks the inviting internet browser icon. Also, deep inside me, there is a little obstinate girl who just refuses to cooperate and get down to business. I imagine her with oversize glasses, arms crossed, and with a frumpy face sitting there saying: "I don't WANT to!" I guess this is kind of because that little girl (and me, quite often) can't see how doing this work is going to help us (me) learn the things we need to learn. I mean, we could just read a book! Of course it's about the skills, but I have already written quite a lot of reports - why do I have to do it again?

So I find myself growing more and more irritated. At myself, mostly. I really would like to find a way to be effective without stressing or wearing myself out. I am going to counseling soon, so maybe I will figure something out. In the meantime, I will continue being irritated at myself (and eating chocolate) and think about the humour in writing about procrastination while procrastinating.

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