Happy Julie is happy (and tired). |
So The Fault in Our Stars arrived today - it was signed with a BLUE J scribble! Happy Julie is happy. I unboxed it - realised there was indeed a J scribble in my book (and in my favourite colour!) - quickly made dinner (for the next four to five days), ate it fast (only one portion, of course), and settled down to read. I read (almost) continuously for nearly five hours, sitting on my bed. I laughed, I cried, I read lines out loud to myself, I cried some more, I laughed, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In my case, I believe John Green has achieved his goal, to make the reader feel
It's perfect - and BLUE! |
Reading this book was a wonderful, exhilarating experience, probably helped along by my anticipation and long period of waiting for it. I loved this book, and for me, right now (less than an hour after finishing reading the book), it stands as the best book John has written. This book grabbed me, took me on a wild roller coaster ride, and let me get off panting for my breath with a huge grin on my face. It did this better than any of John's other books have done. The characters captured me, I cared (a lot), I loved them, cried with them, and I laughed with them.
I want to thank John Green, not only for writing this wonderful piece of literature, but for taking us, the Nerdfighers, with you on the ride. Thank you for descending into signing psychosis to sign the whole first printing, thank you for making hilariously bad videos with barbaric yawps and horrible fashion sense. Thank you for building and maintaining a wonderful community together with your brother, Hank. Thank you for ALL OF THE THINGS! (Like you said when you had that eye problem back in 2007 - you say thank you a lot when you're in hospital. Well now it's my turn to say thank you back.)
In conclusion, this was a great book, and I loved it. I am really thankful to John Green for writing it, and to John and Hank Green for building Nerdfighteria. The Fault in Our Stars is just a wonderful book. But don't listen to me, I'm biased. Read it yourself!
It would be great to read this novel once... Perhaps it's a good novel for teaching an English class in secondary / upper secondary I wonder?
ReplyDeleteI think so - but be aware that there is sexual content, so maybe for the 15 or 16 and up. Ask at your library - they can order it. It is number 1 on the New York Times' bestseller list on the week it came out! Maybe a bookshop can also import one? Anyway, you can get it from amazon (co.uk or com) or capris.no.
DeleteJohn Green usually writes from a teenage boy's perspective so it's kind of hard for a girl to relate. But in this novel it's written from a girl's point of view which made it a little more enjoyable for me seeing as how I am a girl. It isn't a complete gushy romance novel either, so I believe it is enjoyable for all readers. The diction is a little more advance which makes the novel more gripping and attention getting; you have to actually pay attention when reading it, so that way you can get more out of the story.
ReplyDeleteI managed to read that book in one sitting, with my sister reading her copy right next to me. I got purple, she got green, which is ironic considering we got each other's favourite colours. We didn't trade though...
ReplyDeletewe sat there, reading reading reading till it was one in the morning and we were done.
And it was awesome.
Nuff said.