It's official - I'm a Doctor Who fan. I've watched series 5 and 6, and I'm totally hooked (and I know I started at the wrong end, but I really don't mind spoilers). I really like the premise of the series and the stories. The doctor is a pacifist and has good morals - no violence and such. His only weapon is a sonic screwdriver, and it can't do more than disarm (well, that depends on the creature, I guess). In spite of this, he wins wars and sends whole armies running. It's really my kind of show - exciting and thrilling, and with a good man as the main character.
Pure awesome |
The Doctor is a time-travelling alien who looks human, but is in fact the last of the race of the Timelords. He usually has a companion travelling with him, and in the series I've watched, this has been Amy Pond (and sometimes Rory Williams). If he is about to die, he can regenerate - that is, renew himself and come out of it with a different appearance and personality. The current doctor is played by the actor Matt Smith, and he is the eleventh version of the doctor.
The Doctor uses his TARDIS to travel through time and space, and he solves (and sometimes accidentally creates) problems. He really likes Earth, and has saved the human race many, many times from alien threats. I think the show is amazing, really wonderful.
The weird thing is that I've sort of been a fan of Doctor Who since before I even watched a whole episode. I have listened to
Chameleon Circuit's songs (they are a rock band who write songs about Doctor Who) and loved them, and my dashboard on Tumblr is constantly filled with a lot of Doctor Who (including a lot of fangirling over the show). There are many good one-liners and memorable scenes, and they almost always end up on Tumblr, and I love it.
If this sounds at all interesting, you should give doctor who a chance. I loved it, maybe you will too.
Heisann! Så at du hadde begynt å følge bloggen min. :) Lurte litt på hvorfor, but now I know! Alltid moro å treffe norske Who-fans. Bokelsker ser jeg og, du høres ut som min type person. ^^