I thought that I should write a blog today, but I was completely blank when it came to ideas. So I asked my sister and her boyfriend for some help, and one of the suggestions was 'erasers'. So I thought: why not? I think I could manage to write a blog post about that, so here we go.
The first thing I must say is that erasers are terribly useful things. Just being able to remove what you have written – it is so handy! And the page looks so much tidier than if you crossed out the mistakes you made. It's almost like magic, just removing what was there before by rubbing a thing on the paper! It's also quite useful when drawing, for example if I am drawing a horse and then suddenly a line is on the paper horizontally from the stomach forwards. It's very nice, then, to have an eraser on hand, ready to wipe out the mistake you made so that you can finish a drawing which you will be pleased with.
Mistakes are fairly common in life too. Sometimes I wish an eraser for life existed. I would love to be able to remove all the things I've said (especially about other people) that I have regretted. Also being able to erase pain or disease without medication would be really great. Some experiences would also be really nice to erase. And think of being able to blot out feelings, for example just blotting out the feeling of being down, or the inevitable hurt that life always throws at you. How wonderful that would be!
And just think of the possibilities for celebrities, politicians and criminals! They could erase decisions and actions just like that! Although...all this erasing would lead to paradoxes akin to those connected to time travel. Especially if everyone could just suddenly decide to change the past. Suddenly the road you were driving on disappeared, or worse, you would vanish because someone erased a decision which was linked to you being born. Hmm...I suppose the life eraser wasn't such a good idea anyway.
But what about an eraser for your surroundings? For example, you could just erase the snow in your driveway or erase the tree that is blocking your view and sunlight. Or someone could play a trick on you and make your chair disappear as you were sitting down. You could erase the clouds so that you could have clear sky to see the sun or the starry sky, depending on the time of day. In short, the possibilities are endless.
However, such erasers do not exist, and I think that is just as well. The chaos it would create if everyone had any type of life eraser is unthinkable. Although some of the effects undoubtedly would be nice, this sort of thing could of course be used (as most ingenious inventions) for evil purposes . Oh well... We'll just have to live life and tackle the things it throws at us. All the same, it is always nice to dream...
Books read: 11
Pages read: 3225
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