In Norway, this time of year is when young people decide what they want to study and apply for universities. So I am, along with many others, trying to find out what I want to study, and in extension what I want to 'be when I grow up'. It is so hard! I wish it was laid out for me like a shining road, clear and defined. Personally, I get very confused when I realise that I have insanely many options (1309, in case you were wondering) and that's just counting the ones in Norway! There is a whole other world of options if you take into account the possibility of going abroad to study. And it's not like it's a few types of subjects you can take many different places, no, there is everything from African studies to web design! I am far too spoilt for choice. And the massive amount of possibilities just makes the choice I have to make harder.
I mean, how am I supposed to know what I want to do? They say you should follow your heart, but how can you when your heart is behaving like a compass on the south pole? I'm confused... I wish there was just a scan or a gigantic test that would give a clear and defined answer that was tailored to every aspect of me...but I suspect that is a bit too much to expect... Oh well, I'll just have to try to figure it out on my own and make loads of mistakes on the way. They say you learn from them, so let's hope so.
I realise I haven't blogged about the books I have read in quite a while, so I have some catching up to do. Since my blog post on children's books I have read seven books I haven't blogged about. I read The BFG, Matilda and Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. I have re-read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and read the first book in Norwegian in this challenge. And I still haven't finished Emma... I liked The BFG and Matilda just as much as I thought I would, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was as good as last time I read it. I loved Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which was really interesting and fun to read. It was strange reading a book in Norwegian again, and it was even in New Norwegian, but I liked it very much. I have introduced star ratings to my 30 books page, so you can check out how much I liked the different books.
Books read: 11
Pages read: 3291
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