Saturday, 2 March 2013

Spring: Extreme edition

2nd of March...that means spring, right? Well, this year, Trondheim has apparently decided to give us the extreme edition. Other places, you can feel the spring coming on because the sun is shining and it is actually warming you up. And you smell the fragrance of spring. Not so in Trondheim. Here, you can feel spring coming because the wind blows like crazy.

The view out of my window.
Notice the bending trees and the very wet window pane.
And this weekend, we are apparently being treated to the extreme edition of spring, with sleet and a gale. Have I mentioned that I don't really like the in-between seasons - autumn and spring? I don't like the slush, the sleet, the rain, temperatures around zero degrees centigrade, and I especially don't like the the unpredictable weather. I mean, it does help that green things start sprouting and that things go from grey to colour. But that is later - like around May. Sometimes I wish that we could just skip autumn and spring, and just go directly from summer to winter and the other way. But I guess nature needs the time to get used to a new season.

Anyway, I am glad that I have a warm, dry house to be in with a possibility of making tea and watching a film or reading a good book (I Capture the Castle, for example) while the storm rages outside. I will try to remember that I am thankful that I am not outside, and look out at the weather with a satisfaction of knowing that this takes us at least one step closer to summer.

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