Wednesday, 19 December 2012

I like big books and I cannot lie (but short books are convenient for reaching goals)

So I've been trying to complete the 50 books challenge this year, too. The only hitch? I've been in full time education, including a summer course... I am currently at 38 books, but I have a plan. I have short and easy books lined up for the holidays (now that I finally have them). So although I like big books, short books are convenient for reaching goals.
The books I plan on reading this holiday.

Although, I might need to change the wording of that a bit. I like good books, not necessarily big (as in thick) books. As some of you remember, I have been reading Les Misérables for the past year, and I am really stalling now. I have also given up on reading The Casual Vacancy - the stories were quite heavy emotionally. It's not that I don't like those two books, but they are hard to get through.

So the grand plan is to read Of Mice and Men, Romeo & Juliet, The Chronicles of Pern, Let it Snow, and Miss Peregrine's House for Peculiar Children. And then to read the whole Narnia series, because I read one of those books in an evening. That will add up to a total of twelve books, which is just enough to complete the 50 books challenge! Now I just need to find the time to read - maybe I should take that out of my internet time?

I will go and pack now. It will be a challenge, fitting all the books and the presents in, but I'm sure I can manage. After all, I don't need to bring the Narnia books, since we have a copy of those at home. I am looking forward to sitting on the train home, reading, knitting and looking out at the beautiful winter scenery.

Have a lovely holiday, everyone! Merry Christmas!

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