I almost cried, yes. Ow. |
I find that pain drains my energy and ability to concentrate or even think straight. No wonder I got depressed when I had constant pain so intense I couldn't think - for two weeks. I am surprised I didn't go insane! So, to humans (at least me), pain is debilitating. You can't function properly. For example, when I broke my arm (as you have probably guessed, especially when I tell you that the constant pain and the arm-breaking were separate, I am quite accident-prone), I couldn't walk much. It is a bit strange, but I guess that's how we are built.
Animals are often better than humans at tackling pain. They have other priorities, I guess. Whereas pain puts us (at least normal people) out of control of some of our body functions and sometimes creates bad reception for our thoughts, some animals can run with a broken leg or act normal when injured if it is necessary. But then, maybe it's just never that necessary (like life or death) for the modern human to have to control pain that way. I don't know.
But I do know that I have found the most effective way to torture me - yank at my hair. Or maybe just make me feel pain at irregular intervals and watch how eventually my brain and body will have too little oxygen and I will slowly but surely stop being able to form complete thoughts and descend into depression and even madness...
It is uncomfortable to think about these things in our comfortable world. But remember, people are being tortured right now. Maybe not exactly as above, but yes, torture. And it is just HORRIBLE. So I had a tiny, mild experience of the suffering this can cause (extremely teensy-weensy), and I don't like to think of it escalated. NOT AT ALL. We should all stand up for human rights and end the use of torture, NOW. Amnesty international says that torture is still prevalent in a lot of countries in the world, and you can help them in their work to uphold human rights by for example donating money. Human rights need to be defended. We can't just sit back and think that everything will turn out alright in the end, because no one really cares about your opinions and convictions unless you act on them.
I don't quite know why this blog post turned so serious, but there you are. Serious blog post is serious.
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