Sunday, 8 May 2011


Today, I present to you some pictures I have taken of recent sunsets here. All, except one, are taken from the horses' pasture. It is amazing how the same thing happening (the earth rotating so that the sun is out of sight) can be different every time. And so beautiful!

Now for a summary of this week: I have had a quiet week (or rather, three days), with only 6 people in total at the academy. My legs are really polka-dotted again after having read The Fellowship of the Ring outside wearing shorts for three hours. Today, after returning from our third jog this week, Kristina and I discovered that the water was back, after having been gone since yesterday afternoon. Yay!

Books read: 19
Pages read: 5131

PS: It is quite normal to see sail boats passing by here, like in the third picture. When I see them, I think of how wonderful it would be to be sailing here, and I remember how it was when I went sailing. It is very nice to have those kinds of thought breaks when we are working in the horses' pasture, for example.

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