Wednesday, 13 April 2011

12. Minor shock and tiredness

As I have told you before, I have to sign up to make one or wash up after two meals a week. This week I had to sign up for washing up after two meals, and the first I chose was dinner today. It turns out I was really unlucky for my first time. We had soup. Which means that everyone used both a bowl and a plate (and a glass, and sometimes a cup). There was also more cutlery than normal (with all the spoons). And to top it off, I'm not very fast at washing dishes. I ended up washing up non stop for one hour and forty five minutes. So now, naturally, I am very tired.

Yesterday, I had an interesting encounter which I forgot to tell you about. We were in the pasture with the horses, just moving them across from the huge banana field where they had eaten all day (this was in the afternoon), when we saw a man walking across the banana field. It is fenced in, so you would think people got the idea that it was private, but 'trespassing' is not a well known concept here. I approached him and informed him that we would rather he didn't cross the field, as he could scare the horses. He said he was just going to get some marijuana, and pointed down the hill. For a second, my head stopped and just went: "Wait...WHAT did he just say?!?" Then I remembered that drugs are really prevalent here, and I calmly went on to explain that this one time would be okay, but not to trespass again. It was really interesting that he made no effort to hide the nature of his errand. It was apparently nothing unusual and he was not afraid of being caught or anything like that. I think it is quite strange that drugs are so usual here. It makes people a bit (or usually quite a lot) strange, and vacant (don't do drugs!).

Today, some people left the academy since they were done with their programmes. The previous working student here also left, and it was a bit strange. Suddenly we, the new ones, were the only ones. We are the ones people will talk about now when referring to 'the horse team'. And we haven't even figured out a good way to do all our chores yet! I guess I will get used to it all after a while. To think that we have already been here for two weeks is quite incredible. My friend remarked today that we are not very tan, when you look at how long we've been here. It will all come in due time, I hope.

That's all for this tired-blog-thing. I have to go to bed now.

Books read: 17
Pages read: 4649

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