I don't really like 3D geometry in maths that much, but when maths can become art, I think it is even more beautiful to me because of the maths behind it. So, I've been subscribed on youtube to a recreational mathemusician, whose channel is
Vihart. She has introduced me to some really fun maths doodles, and, more recently, the hyperbolic plane. This is a mathematical plane in three dimensions which curves away from itself at all points (at least I think that is how they are defined). I know, it is hard to understand such things. But then I discovered that I could make a hyperbolic plane for myself!

A mathematician discovered that one way you could make real-life hyperbolic planes was if they were crocheted. A project called
The Crochet Coral Reef uses this to create crocheted coral reefs as art to raise awareness that the coral reefs of the world are dying. A hyperbolic plane looks very much like a coral formation. On the project's
website, I found information on how I could make my own crocheted hyperbolic plane. And, some hours later, I had my very own real life crocheted hyperbolic plane! And since Christmas isn't so far behind us, and our tree is still sitting in our living room (ooops...we still haven't thrown it out...), I thought that it could make a really nice Christmas ornament! So maybe I will make a lot of them before next Christmas, in more 'Christmassy' colours than this one. The recipe I used to make this one, I found
I had a lot of fun playing with it afterwards, bending it this way and that to see how it would behave. In a way, I only did this because I was putting off the time that I would have to dive deeper into Emma. I was dreading reading such a slow book, but after what I read yesterday, I think I will enjoy it quite a lot. I have decided that I will not read any more books before finishing Emma, so that I will have to get on with it.
I hope that more posts of the 'musing' kind will come in the future, but we will see. I like writing them, and I am generally more satisfied with that kind of post, which I feel gets a point across, as opposed to just rambling on about something. Oh well. I hope inspiration will knock on my door again.
Books read: 3
Pages read: 1435
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